DDCSRH.com is the digital home of the ‘Digital and Data Capabilities for Sexual and Reproductive Health’ research project. This site is an output from Professor Kath Albury’s Australian Research Council Future Fellowship.
The site hosts three evidence-based models to support digital transformation in sexual and reproductive health organisations and workforces.
To read more about the DDCSRH Project and how we developed the models, head to the About Us page.
This ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ resource is based on adult education principles, but it’s not a structured training course. It aims to support transformational learning through discussion. You can find links to formal training and accreditation options here.
We don’t offer that at this stage. But the DIGITAL WORKFORCE LINK offers self-assessment tools you can use in your organisation.
The Digital Capabilities Model outlines the capabilities and sub-capabilities that SRH organisations might need - in terms of access and infrastructure, workforce skills and overall governance of digital platforms, technologies and practices.
The Data Capabilities Model does the same thing – but focuses specifically on access and infrastructure, skills and governance related to health data.
Finally, the Consumer Digital and Data Capabilities Model maps out the kinds of access and infrastructure, skills and governance capabilities that service users and health consumers might need, in order to manage their sexual and reproductive health.
The models are supported by a checklist that will help health service managers and the general workforce use the DDCRSH models in tandem with Commonwealth resources including relevant policy guidance and action plans.
The website also houses resources to help organisations and individuals facilitate strategic conversations that guide future policy and planning; and build communities of practice.