This resource list was compiled by Professor Kath Albury and Dr Samantha Mannix in December 2024, and will be updated throughout the life of the DDCSRH project. We have focused on open-access (non-paywalled) publications.
Please contact us if links are broken, or you are unable to access a resource. We also welcome suggestions for future additions to this list.
The Australian digital transformation policy landscape is dynamic and evolving. For more information follow:
Current policies include:
Please note, courses, degrees and training programs are listed for the purposes of information only. They have not been evaluated or accredited by the research team:
Tools and Resources for navigating digital environments:
Building data capability in the not-for-profit sector:
Digital society and culture:
Digital participation and inclusion:
Digital aspects of sexual and reproductive health:
Health promotion and education:
Co-designing digital-first resources with young people:
Process evaluation plus literature review/evidence-base for the Alannah and Madeline Foundation’s award-winning eSafety Commission-funded digital resource Crushed But Okay.
While the project targets young men aged aged 15-17, strategies outlined the literature review and process evaluation are applicable to projects and campaigns targeting 18-29-year-olds: